Changing Lives

Changing Lives
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Most Important First Step in Your New Year

I know, I know, you have heard this at least a million times. It is important to Set Goals. They help you clarify your dreams. A dream without setting goals is just a wish. Stop wishing your life away. Put legs on those dreams and make your wildest dreams a reality. I am sharing an excerpt from world renowned Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn.

"Making Your Goals Count" by Jim Rohn

I've often said the major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get. That is why goals are so powerful - they are part of the fabric that makes up our lives. And goal-setting is where we create our goals.

Goal-setting is powerful, partly because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams. It gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we desire in life. Goals are GREAT because they cause us to stretch and grow in ways that we never have before. In order to reach our goals we must become better. We must change and grow.

Also, goals provide long-term vision in our lives. We all need lots of powerful, long-range goals to help us get past short-term obstacles. Life is designed in such a way that we look long-term and live short-term. We dream for the future and live in the present. Unfortunately, the present can produce many difficult obstacles. But fortunately, the more powerful our goals (because they are inspiring and believable) the more we will be able to act on them in the short-term and guarantee that they will actually come to pass!

The New Year is now more than a week old. Have you set your goals for 2012 and resolved how you’ll stay focused and on course for reaching them? If you haven’t, IT’S NOT TOO LATE! As you move through 2012, The Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan can help keep you on the right track mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, relationally and otherwise. You can benefit from the legacy that legendary personal achievement expert Jim Rohn left us and have him as your mentor as you continue to learn, grow and achieve the life of your dreams! Click here for more information or to sign up now!

I will be giving you steps to take to get you on the right path to your target destination. Your first assignment is to decide..... What do you want? Better health, better relationships or more time? I can give you tips to improve your relationship that I have learned, I can direct you to life changing products or I can teach you the path I have taken as an Entrepreneur.

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